Sunday 28 January 2007

When the pillar of cloud moves on.

Not that I want to see Serbia lose Kosovo when I see how much it means to so many, but it is hard to see how you can hang on to it without a ruinous demand on your resources. And with so many opposed, clinging on can only bring trouble, while “tolerating the intorlerable” may win you friends.

But even more important in my view is that Kosovo will divert your attention from God’s true purposes for Serbia, and hinder you from reaping His blessing. You are too important to God for Him to wish that to happen.

Let Kosovo go with your blessing and in the end it will be to your benefit;

Let it Kosovo go with your ill-feeling and it may bring you sorrow.

God has moved on; the Pillar of Cloud has removed itself

And the time has come to strike camp and follow.

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