Sunday 18 March 2007

"All roads lead to where we stand"

Corrie ten Boom, the author of "The Hiding place" hid Jews from their Nazi persecutors during the war. She was arrrested and sent to concentration-camp. Commenting on her life experiences she said that the events of your past are a preparation for your future.
The relevance of the past is the wisdom it gives for the future. All your past has brought you to where you are now, but it is over; you owe it nothing. The road ahead is your true business, and the agenda belongs to God.

It's all about You, Jesus
And all this is for You
For Your glory and Your fame
It's not about me
As if You should do things my way
You alone are God and I surrender
To Your ways

(Paul Oakley 1995)

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ship of dreams

ship of dreams