Sunday 11 March 2007

"No, - I will not!" (buy you a Mercedes Benz)

Janis Joplin called her song "Mercedes-Benz" a "profound social comment on America", although I'm sure the cap fits a lot more places than just the US of A. Another commentator(Ern Baxter)said:
"Imagine if you could see all the things people pray for: all the deep freezes, television sets, bicycles and so on floating down from heaven each night as people say their bedside prayers. That's not what prayer is about, -- we've turned Him into Santa Claus; that's who!"

God set the agenda, not us. To pray effectively you need to learn what God is like, grasp His heart, and ask for things that please Him. Sometimes, (not always,) this can be the reason why we get instant answers to our prayers; other times we have to persist. This has a two-fold effect: it trains us up in patience, and it sorts out the desires that have their origin in the Spirit of God who is prompting us to pray and sifts away the things we have come up with ourself.
As I have said earlier, its an on-going process, but that doesn't mean that God's will is something negative for us, not in the long-run, at least. For example, when I was planning my own wedding, I budgeted on a shoe-string. Then the Lord interrupted me (quite unexpectedly, as usual,) and said: "Allow Me to give you the wedding I want you to have!" My whole perspective changed, (and my wife is very grateful that it did). More than that, our wedding was happy, bountiful, joyous and positive in a way I could never have devised out of my own resources; -truly a day to remember.
So what God wants for us, is normally better than anything we can wish for ourselves, but it may not seem so at the time. What is good to know is that if I get it wrong, God is going to veto my requests. -What exactly am I going to do with a Mercedes-Benz anyway?

What have I prayed for Serbia recently?
1) That there would be a big enough turn-out for the Constitutional elections to decide the matter one way or another.
2) That there be a proper turn out for the January elections, so that whoever won would truly have a mandate, and not just win by default.
3) That Serbia will have a true Statesman for a leader.

As to Kosovo, - that God dispenses true justice, and a resolution that serves Serbia's true interests (what ever they may be).

1 comment:

Jørgen B. D. said...

ship of dreams

ship of dreams